I manifested my soul mate
Okay, so, story time, October 2012, when I showed up to my first event or seminar to learn, I quickly realized that I had this limiting belief that I was unlovable.
In December 2012, I did my first ever breakthrough program. It's a very incredible, powerful transformational program. I got really clear on what I wanted, and what I desired. And my goal for this breakthrough was to fall in love with myself and meet the man of my dreams.
I learned I had never given myself an opportunity to think about what I wanted. I didn't know that I had dreams for myself, because I was always living in a state of survival. I was always living in a worst case scenario that I didn't know, there was another way of living. I thought everyone thought that way.
There was no space for me to exist.
It was only when I was working at my dream job and had started putting me as a priority did I realize how unprepared I was. I picked up the phone to call my manager and I said, I'm either quitting, or I need help.
I couldn't manage to take care of all of the people in my life that were very used to me taking care of them while moving forward in my own dreams. Something had to shift. So I asked for help.
And it was in that program where I got really clear about what I wanted and what I desired and actually gave myself an opportunity to think about that. Not only did I think about what I desired and what I wanted, but I did the inner work, the alignment, the integration and the healing that allowed me to have full body alignment.
I learned how to think about myself, how to cope and navigate tough conversations. I transformed my scarcity mindset to be one of logic, hope and optimism. I learned how to connect to my body and regulate my nervous system. I had the tools, built the muscles and transformed my whole way of being.
I was asked to write down what I want in a relationship and so I wrote it out effortlessly. It’s as if it came from my core being, my soul. I was so aligned and sure of this dream partner.
So my goal to meet this dream partner was on March 3 2013.
It was March 3 and I hadn’t met him yet, but a friend messages me and she's like, “Hey, do you remember this guy that we used to work with? I just saw him on Tinder”.
And I was like, “What the hell is Tinder?” and she's like, “Oh, it's this dating app”.
And I'm telling you right now I can remember this text conversation like it was like, just an hour ago. I know exactly where I was. I was in my car in between client sessions. And I remember thinking what is Tinder, right? So I went home and I downloaded this app called Tinder.
I swiped and he swiped and our conversation started and we have now been together for 9 years. He is exactly what my soul called in, so much so I had to ask if he was actually born in 1986 because I am sure I just created him in December 2012.
So much love to you,
Let’s connect, I would LOVE to help you get clear on what you want and attract your dream partner.
Book a 15 minute free chat with me https://nicolewestoncoaching.hbportal.co/schedule/62cc4e3cf264be042cba4773