Are you in a toxic self-love relationship with yourself?
Here’s the thing, you’re already meditating, loving yourself, having the smoothies and being kind to yourself.
You’ve deleted the toxic people, put in the boundaries and you know how to harness your power.
You’ve been on the retreats and you have created a more calm and low key life.
You are present with your kids and have a beautiful life that you dreamed of.
And yet, something isn’t adding up.
You are beginning to realize that you still feel disconnected, you feel like you should be happier by now.
You question if this inner work is really even working.
There is a gap in the self-development industry that has you believing that if you practice manifestation, positive affirmations and focus on what you want you will be living your best life.
Mostly true.
What I believe is you must practice loving yourself through the suffering.
That living your best life has more to do with walking yourself through your pain as you live your best life.
You see self-love isn’t the destination.
It isn’t a test you fail or pass at the end of a 6 month period.
Self-love is an act of permission to be fully present in what is.
But you’ve been conditioned to live for the next step.
You see I believe that self-love has more to do with who you are in the darkness with yourself and less to do with ‘being’ high vibe all the time.
What they aren’t teaching you is HOW to love yourself while you navigate the chaos, the pain and the actual darkness… That is the human experience.
So when the bad stuff in life happens and you experience pain, failure, loss and grief you begin to feel like YOU did something wrong. (hello childhood wounds)
Like you’re the problem and somehow ‘manifested’ this experience because you did something wrong. Like You didn’t do it perfectly.
I call Bullsh*t.
Love, the problem is not you. It was never you and it will never be your fault.
The problems began before you and were passed down to you through;
a culture that promotes spiritual and emotional bypassing.
generational trauma that has you feeling like you are responsible for every bad event that happens in your life.
Being a woman who was raised to be the ‘good girl and care for others before yourself.
The belief that self-sacrifice is a noble skill
So you see, it was never your fault AND you do have the power to resolve and transform how you navigate your life.
It begins with giving yourself permission to evolve.
Around here, we believe that permission is one of the most powerful tools to achieving an aligned, freedom based life.
Through unlearning the rigid rules of what it means to be a woman and a divine badass leader.
There is nothing for you to ‘fix’, you are not broken, you are evolving.
I believe that self-love is the guiding force for aligning you to living IN your life not outside it.
Self-love is the embodiment of holding both the pain and joy of your life as it is as you evolve.
You see it’s not about who you will be when you reach the next level, its about how you love yourself on the journey.
The difference comes from embodying self-love and not toxic positivity in yourself through it.
I want to help you breakthrough the toxic self love habits so you can have the most healthy, loving and trusting relationships.
Let’ connect:
Download Your Free Self-Love Energetic Checklist
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Podcast: Redefine & Align
Instagram: @thenicoleweston