Redefining Motherhood

Nicole Weston Nicole Weston

What is it like to work with a Life Coach and Motherhood Mentor? | Nicole Weston, Life Coach & Motherhood Mentor for working moms. 

If you’re a working mom, you know that balance is essential to your success in your family and career.

But what if you’ve been struggling and stressing on how to find balance in your career and to motherhood?

A life coach and motherhood mentor can help!

Coaches work with you one-on-one to create your unique blueprint for success that will fit your specific needs and goals.

Working with a life and motherhood coach will help you identify your stressors while helping you mentally and emotionally learn new effective ways to navigate the journey of a working mom.

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Nicole Weston Nicole Weston

Are you in a toxic self-love relationship with yourself?

There is a gap in the self-development industry that has you believing that if you practice manifestation, positive affirmations and focus on what you want you will be living your best life.

Mostly true.

What I believe is you must practice loving yourself through the suffering.

That living your best life has more to do with walking yourself through your pain as you live your best life.

You see self-love isn’t the destination.

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