The Quantum Change Process™
The Quantum Change Process™ is a highly effective technique for accessing unresolved issues and old core belief systems that are buried in the unconscious, and resolving or letting go of the emotions linked to them. The following is detailed information on the background and the process followed in an individual session. We invite you to read through to gain a thorough understanding of the journey you will be undertaking.
The Premise: Our present day life is built upon our past.
Your body holds a memory of every thought you have ever had, every word you have ever spoken, every word ever spoken to you, every action you have taken, every experience you have encountered, every single waking moment of your life. This also includes a memory of every emotion or deeply rooted feeling such as fear, guilt, abandonment, humiliation and shame, betrayal or rejection by those we love, or any other attack on your emotional well being.
These memories are not all stored in the brain; they are stored throughout the body at a cellular level, commonly known as cellular memory. Each of these memories has a belief attached to it. Once a belief “anchors” in as a result of a traumatic episode or repeated insults to your emotional well being, a cyclical pattern of events is unconsciously initiated and you begin to repeatedly attract similar circumstances into your life.
Every emotion, every thought, every belief attached to these memories is held in the body and may keep you stuck in old patterns. You may be prevented from living the life you want until the root of the issue is consciously released, thereby allowing the cycle to be broken.
What are your beliefs and why are they important?
What are your beliefs regarding love, relationships, health, finances, people, success, and your own self worth? Are these your own beliefs or were you taught or conditioned to believe a certain way?
Your current reality is a reflection of everything you have learned to believe from life-long programming. Everything you think, feel, say and do is based on your beliefs. Your perception of yourself, the world around you, and how you interact and respond to it is based on your beliefs. We may achieve goals based on our beliefs and we may equally sabotage every hope and dream based on our beliefs.
Most of our core beliefs are unconscious. Because our body and mind are deeply rooted in our unconscious, our thoughts and unresolved emotions cause disturbances in the energy levels within us. This, in turn, may manifest as physical illness or unhealthy emotional or behavioural patterns. We all want to believe that our conscious mind is running our life but in reality, it is our unconscious mind that influences and dictates our choices, our decisions, how we perceive our circumstances, and what we attract into our life.
Therefore, it is essential to understand and clear old, limiting beliefs from your unconscious mind and replace them with positive, life affirming beliefs in order to live the life you consciously choose and desire.
The Solution:
Alignment between the conscious and unconscious mind, and the integration of body, mind and spirit promotes change and personal growth on all levels. Using transformational processes, we access the core source of an issue and extract it from the root by:
identifying where and when the issue began
identifying who was involved
identifying the thoughts and emotions associated with the experience
identifying the self limiting core beliefs or painful patterns that were established at a much earlier time
clearing the issue through conscious understanding, forgiveness, compassion and acceptance
releasing the old, limited self negating beliefs and/or trauma from the cells thereby releasing the patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you
creating new cell imprints and beliefs consistent with who you really are, allowing you to be healthy, happy and fully alive
This process and integration:
restores balance and vitality to the body · mind · spirit connection resolves your issue or problem
restores choice and freedom
renews confidence, self worth, self esteem, and self trust puts you in touch with your true power
This quantum level of grounding and lasting change may be experienced in just one fully integrated session.
What you can expect from a session:
All sessions are safe, fully interactive and rely on involvement and ongoing communication between the client and practitioner. A session begins by determining what it is you want or need to work on and establishing a specific intention.
Next, your body, mind and spirit are aligned to this intention using a non-invasive and specialized method of testing that relies on Applied and Behavioural Kinesiology. Communication with the unconscious mind is established through testing. This quickly identifies any denial or unconscious resistance to change. Often, what the conscious mind wants and what the unconscious mind will allow are two very different things.
When you are in complete alignment, the testing is used to identify the source of the issue: when it began, whom it involved and who needs to be addressed.
During the final clearing stage, core beliefs are uncovered, old habits and patterns of self sabotage are changed, and old cellular patterns are released. The unconscious mind is then reprogrammed with positive, life enhancing beliefs. These new beliefs are consistent with who your conscious mind knows you really are and will support you as you move forward in life fulfilling your goals, dreams and aspirations.
Each session is complete with follow-up material to support your continued growth. Maintaining positive and supportive beliefs will assist you in creating success in health, relationships, self esteem, self worth, spirituality, career path, prosperity, and your home life.
Sessions last two to three hours depending on the complexity of the issue and levels of unconscious resistance to change. Most clients notice a shift or change immediately following a session and the change continues to integrate over the hours, days and weeks ahead.
Amanda’s transformation and experience with her QCP™ session
Client Results
Roberto shares his experience with QCP™
“Nicole is amazing! I can never thank her enough. She helped me remember my WHY for choosing to own my own business. Nicole helped me channel my emotions, feel them and release them in a positive manner. I am so much happier and I working towards my business working for me and not the other way around. Covid did a number on my mindset, but now I am feeling more aligned with my mind and body. I am forever grateful for her listening ear and guidance.”
“Before Nicole, I wasn’t happy with where I was in my life, I felt stuck. I knew I wanted so much more for myself, but I didn’t know what where to begin. Within only a couple of sessions with Nicole as my coach, I was able to recognize the barriers that were holding me back (both internal and external) and with her help, successfully move past them. Since our sessions, I am exponentially happier and have found new success in multiple areas of my life. Our life coaching sessions have given me the confidence and the tools that I need to recognize future obstacles or detours, address them, and safely move past them. . I can’t thank Nicole enough for the love and light she has brought into my life. I am eternally grateful.”